There are many different options when it comes to beta diversity analayis and plot ordination. The phyloseq documentation is a good place to start to understand the different types of analysis. You can also use the help function in r ?ordinate
and ?plot_ordination
The operation of the plot_ordination function also depends a lot on the: Distance and Ordinate functions.
The subset_ord_plot
function is a “convenience function” intended to make it easier to retrieve a plot-derived data.frame
with a subset of points according to a threshold
and method
. The meaning of the threshold
depends upon the method
. Phyloseq examples are avilable here.
In this workflow we will use the plot ordinate feature to determine what variables affect the diversity of the tick microbiome.
ord_MDS <- ordinate(samples_only, "MDS", "bray")
p <- plot_ordination(samples_only, ord_MDS, type = "samples", color = "Genus_Species", shape = "Tick_Instar", title = "MDS ordination") + geom_point(size = 1)
To facet the figure by a variable use ggplot command facet_wrap
p + facet_wrap(~Genus_Species)
Another way that is useful to group samples is to use ggplot geom_polygon feature, however this is best used when there are only a few samples to plot and all samples of the same variable group closely together.
p2 <- plot_ordination(samples_only, ord_MDS, type="samples", color="Genus_Species")
p2 + geom_polygon(aes(fill=Genus_Species)) + geom_point(size=1) + ggtitle("Genus_Species")
Use the ordinate function to simultaneously perform weightd UniFrac and then perform a Principal Coordinate Analysis on that distance matrix (first line). Next pass that data and the ordination results to plot_ordination to create the ggplot2 output graphic with default ggplot2 settings.
The first line of code to ordinate the data can take a long time for large datasets
ord_PCoA_unifrac = ordinate(samples_only, "PCoA", "unifrac", weighted=TRUE)
plot_ordination(samples_only, ordu, color="Genus_Species", shape="Tick_Instar")
We can also present the ordination methods as a heat map. This works best for smaller datasets so we will subset the large physeq1
data to only Ixodes tasmani
tasmani <- subset_samples(physeq1, Tick_Species== "tasmani")
plot_heatmap(tasmani, "NMDS", "jaccard")
plot_heatmap(tasmani, "DCA", "none", "Host_common", "Family")
Vector and Waterborne Pathogens Research Group. 2018. S Egan.